AdMonetix Ad Network publisher program is an advertising partnership program that will let publishers display ads in their websites/Apps and will get paid for all legitimate impressions/clicks. Publishers are free to join the system and can start displaying ads on their websites/Apps immediately.
Signing in AdMonetix Ad Network publisher program is very simple. You may just click on register with us and start showing up ads in your website/App.
Ad formats are pretty simple to manage and you can create your ad block code yourself. You may decide how many ads you would like to show as well as ad formats.
Ad display code generated for the Apps is specifically for Apps which will show ads depends on the SDk they are using and accordingly do the set up. Ad Code for websites will identify the theme and content of the page automatically and show relevant ads.
You may place any number of ad blocks in your webpage. But for each subsequent ad code, we recommend you to generate the display code again.
Currently we support Paypal, Paxum, Bitcoins and Payoneer withdrawals. Payments are done automatically when you reach a minimum threshold.
You will get payment twice in every month (NET15) if you have at least $50 in your account. 5th and 20th are payment dates if holiday payments are done on next business day. For example: Period 1st -15th April you get on 5th May ; Period 16th - end of April you get on 20th May and so on. For Wire transfer minimum threshold is $400 and payment will be done on NET30 basis. NOTE: Ad Zones should be live during the payment cycle to receive payouts on time.
You can contact us via email: ; Skype: live:.cid.2b63b7cdcf2a12b2 ; Telegram: @Admonetix