AdMonetix advertiser program allows advertisers to create various Ad formats which they can select from their dashboard and advertise it in our network and partner websites/Apps. AdMonetix gives you complete control on your ads and your expenditure on each and every ad.
Signing in AdMonetix advertiser program is very simple. You may just click on register with us and start advertising.
Advertiser ads will be displayed on our network sites, Apps as well as our partner.
Each and every click/impressions you are getting for your ads are gone through so many verification procedures and it will be counted only if it is identified as a legitimate. Our fraudulent click tracking system is well capable of identifying all invalid/repeated clicks as well as fraudulent publisher clicks. We have bot traffic filtering mechanism in-built with our system which will prevent any type of fraudulent traffic entering to system.
Advertiser payments are powered by paypal and Wire Transfer. Even if you do not have a paypal account, you can go ahead and pay using your credit card in the same paypal payment gateway or can do Wire transfer using given details in your dashboard.
While creating a new ad campaign, you can specify the maximum monthly budget for this ad. Once your ad reaches that limit for a month, it will stop showing up from our network/partner websites.
We have a rate suggestion feature which will give you on optimal bid rate for each campaign/creative. If you set it to the suggested rate, your ads will be displayed more often in our network/partner websites/Apps.
No. Currently you cannot transfer money from your publisher account to advertiser account. Both accounts are maintained separately and inter-account operations are not allowed.
You can contact us via email: